Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

In my opinion, John Proctor would be somewhat of a hero. Although he made foolish mistakes, like having that affair with Abigail, for example, he did other things that made him heroic in a sense. As we all know, John ended up admitting to the court that he had this affair with Abigail, which was most likely a very difficult thing to come clean with. However he did this to try and save his wife, Elizabeth. By telling the court that he had an affair with Abigail, it shows why Abigail would try to get Elizabeth killed-- because she wants to take Elizabeth's spot as John Proctor's wife.

At the end of Act 4, we also read how Proctor was not satisfied with only saving his wife-- he also felt the need to save the wives of his friends. The fact he would try and do this for his friends shows courage, compassion, and heroism.

So, did John Proctor act as a stooge? Yes, I would say he did earlier in the text. However, he did seem to take more ownership of his previous mistakes and become more honest and open with things to save the people he cared for.  But everybody makes mistakes, right? Therefore overall, I would have to say that John Proctor is a hero.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your idea on whether or not John was a hero or a stooge. I was just wondering if there were any specific qualities that you think John had. :)
