Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Short Story #1-- "Saved"

            For some reason, the dog was never on a leash. She always saw the dog walking about thirty feet in front of his owner, but the owner did not seem to have much control of the dog. Over time, she began to see the dog looking dirtier and it had a slight limp on its front left leg. Paige knew that something had to be wrong.
            One day when she was coming home from school, her neighbor asked, “Do you know who owns a little black dog in this neighborhood? I saw the dog limping around, and it almost got hit by a car. There was nobody with him.”
            She was so frustrated with this whole situation of the owner not properly caring for his dog, so Paige decided to do something about this. She went for a walk around the neighborhood, trying to see if she could find the little dog. She was searching and searching and searching, but she just could not find him. So, she decided to give up. While walking back home, she heard a car honking its horn over and over again. Paige ran to the scene, only see the little black dog lying in the middle of the street. The dog was hyperventilating and looked like he had no strength at all. He acted as if he didn’t even care that the car could have run him over—like he just wanted to die.
            Paige immediately ran to the dog and scooped him up, laying him gently on the grass. She felt so sorry for the dog and was thinking of ways to help it. The dog was still whimpering and badly shaking, so she decided to take him back to her house to try and care for him. She laid him on some clean blankets, fed him, and gave him fresh, cold water, allowing him to just rest throughout the night.
            The next morning, the little dog was in a much better condition. He was wagging his tail and roaming around the house, although he still had his slight limp. Paige and the little dog were very much enjoying each other’s company. In the afternoon, however, the doorbell rang. When Paige opened the door, she saw the owner of the dog. “Some neighbors said you had my dog. I want him back. Now,” he said. Immediately, Paige slammed her front door shut and locked it. She knew she could not return the dog into the arms of his careless owner. The next seven minutes consisted of the man banging on the door, yelling for her to open the door and give him back her dog. He refused to leave.
            Paige and the little dog filled with fear, so she decided to call the police, “There is a strange man banging on my door and yelling at me, and he won’t leave me alone, please come quick!”, she said. When the police came, they held the man back and asked Paige to open the door, and as soon as she did the owner of the dog was yelling, claiming that she kidnapped the dog. One of the officers asked what happened, and Paige explained the whole situation truthfully. “I don’t believe that this man’s home is fit to properly care for this innocent dog,” said Paige.

            The two officers, the dog owner, and Paige all went to investigate the dog owner’s house to see if he had the essentials to care for the little black dog. Everything seemed fine and clean, until one of the officers touched the doorknob of a door hiding behind a curtain, and the dog owner said, “Do not open that door. You’ve seen enough.” The officer refused to listen to the dog owner and opened the door. He could not believe his eyes, and neither could the other officer and Paige. What they saw behind that door almost made them faint. “I told you not to open that door,” said the dog owner. 3 shots fired-- the first one hit one of the officers, the second hit the second officer, and the third hit Paige, and the 3 lifeless bodies dropped to the ground.

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